It's a Mind Game
You know when you're walking up a flight of stairs, or going for a run, or even lifting weights, and you're tired, you're done and you don't want to do it anymore. But you tell yourself, don't stop, keep going, one more step, one more mile or one more rep, and that self-talk, that important self-talk giving you that last push to finish strong. The importance of that self-talk is so important, to the point where if we don't practice that we can find our self in a headspace of self-doubt, comparing, and inadequacy. Soo this blog is for those who are in their last semester, last month of studying for an exam, or last month of training, and you are getting ready to challenge yourself, hopefully, this blog helps you.
1. Let's strengthen what matter(s)
I didn't realize how important self-talk was until I went running the other day. Some background, I haven't run in a couple of months, so running a mile was a bit of a struggle, and while I was running I kept on encouraging myself to keep going and I was honestly building myself up and I loved it, I didn't stop running. And then I realized why I loved running. It was the way that I talked to myself.
- I focused on what I just accomplished without anyone else in mind. - I wasn't self-critical
- I was honest and kind to myself
So, I wondered if I were to apply the same self-talk to myself while I'm going through this semester, how different would my perspective be.
I think it's important to find something that will force you to have good self- talk. It could be running, journaling, baking, whatever you fancy that will challenge you to encourage yourself, and focus on your own accomplishments.
2. Don't be mean
I was listening to a video the other day and the lady was giving us an assignment where we needed to write down our fears or critical thoughts and change those into a positive thoughts and see how our day changes. Simply what she was doing was changing our perspective, let me give you guys an example,
I have a fear of failing.
Making this into a positive
I value this position that I am in and I would like to do well
Just changing your perspective really helps you to be in a positive headspace. I know for me it has helped to move through some challenging times in my life a lot smoother.
As I'm writing this blog I'm honestly telling myself this because I just entered my last semester of didactics and will be taking my boards at the end of this semester. And like many of my other friends and colleges we're preparing for our last push. I personally think strengthening our self-talk, giving ourselves that self-encouragement will be so important in the coming months.
I really hope this helps you, and I would love for you guys to comment on what you do to strengthen your self talk
we hope this help